Wednesday, January 23, 2008

On Value

I began writing the post "On Value to the Enterprise" as a post about Value and initially titled it simply as "On Value".

I changed the title because I found that that the title was misleading and not close to fully reflecting a person's value.

So what is a person's value? Well, we may be tempted to say that it's subjective as in the case of the Enterprise or say that a person's value to me is dependant upon what I value.

I fully believe that there is a universal constant and that constant is the truth.

So, the value of a person is the extent to which that person
  1. upholds the truth
  2. honors it
  3. respects it
The first is an action thus a person puts into action his belief of the truth and upholds it by first establishing it in his own life. No point going out there proselytizing if your house ain't in order isn't it??

The second is an understanding, and an adherence to the truth. You may notice a gradation occuring! In other words Ya know it, ya do it but there are still things that ya dont do completely

The third is an appreciation of the truth. Ya know it, you may do it and at the very least ya avoid what goes against it

So how does this fit to Value?? Framing this in questions it becomes

What value do I bring to people?
What value do people bring to me?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Firing from the hip

Wildly inaccurate and ineffective though makes for a good hollywood movie scene! Firing from the hip is one of those days that I feel just that : blowing lotssa smoke